rel SD Cool Stuff: Brave New World

SD Cool Stuff

Where ScienceDirect staff shares cool stuff that they bump into...

Monday, February 27, 2006

Brave New World

OK. My browser crashed while I was writing this entry, and I lost everything I had done. Autosave would have been nice... I hope G and M are thinking about that when they bring out their online Office things...

Anyway - I did some reading and browsing over the weekend, and besides Microsoft's upcoming announcement about their Windows Vista range, two things struck me.

Firstly, there was this nice article in Wired that basically re-iterates that we already know, or at least suspect: today's digitized workspace hasn't necessarily led to (perceived) increased productivity.

Secondly, there was a piece in NRC Handelsblad (Dutch newspaper) about EC's Barosso planning to establish a European Institute of Technology. The debate recorded in the piece seems illustrative of the EU's apparent struggle to keep up with the pace of technological development in the world surrounding it, and indeed provides ample food for thought and further discussion. However, one quote from the academic communicty stood out - I found it rather compelling, and even vaguely familiar:
"This is yet another top-down approach. [...] Brussels doesn't have the slightest idea about research, and about the areas where competitive research takes place."

I like that quote.


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