rel SD Cool Stuff: Nucleus

SD Cool Stuff

Where ScienceDirect staff shares cool stuff that they bump into...

Wednesday, February 22, 2006


OK. So this is our first post - we're starting off a blog.

Or rather: starting a collection - a collection of ideas: things we stumble upon during our everyday job of keeping ScienceDirect up-and-running, thoughts and opinions we hear when talking to people out there, easter eggs we find when just browsing along on what is increasingly called Web 2.0 (whatever that may be).

We're not sure what this will grow into. There's about nine bad ideas for each not-so-bad one, and about nine not-so-bad-ones for each really good one, so let's see what group this falls into.

(I actually had to create a post first-thing, otherwise the blogger software wouldn't allow me to do live previews of template changes. But hey, at least allows collaborative posting, which MSN Spaces doesn't... one-nill to Google).


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