rel SD Cool Stuff: Pages

SD Cool Stuff

Where ScienceDirect staff shares cool stuff that they bump into...

Thursday, February 23, 2006


Google just announced their PageCreator service. It's based on one's Gmail account; I tried to get access to the beta, but it was too busy - maybe later... but what this service is supposed to do, is allow people to build their web pages without any HTML knowledge. This means that it is expanding on their blogging service - for which Google has the service we are using - but it is apparently not meant for full-fledged site design (yet). It seems to be taking on the earlier mentioned MSN Spaces.

These developments mean that...
a. traditional front-end programs like DreamWeaver and Frontpage get head-on competition from a web-based service,
b. even more Internet-dummies can create even more and better pages (... on Google- and MSN-controlled platforms!), and
c. traditional hosting services are increasingly pushed out of the market.

So, yet another step in Google's strategy to cut out the middleman, and get more content under their control...


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